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While working as a designer in industry, I became enamored with printing on textured surfaces. When I started my own business I was still in love with how yarns of different types, such as silk and wool, can create texture in the finishing process. Wool shrinks, but silk does not. I created woven scarves using that technique. Then I learned how to wet felt, combining silk and wool again, I can create a different type of shrinkage which you can see on my website. Recently, I learned how to dye silk and now I create texture on the surface by using different dyeing techniques.


Started at a colorist at a large textile company in NYC.. Went on to become a stylist, a merchandise manager and then a move to Charlotte NC to head one of the design departments as VP. 20 years ago I started weaving and created a woven trim business for decorators. We have been showing our line of trims in Atlanta at the Design Center. Having moved to Asheville, I sold that business and started weaving scarves and shawls then felted scarves and now all of the above plus dyed scarves. I have been in a gallery in downtown Asheville, then several studios in the River Arts District. Now in the guild, my work can be seen at the Biltmore Village Shop and Folk Art Center.

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