Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

JAN 22-MAY 15
Welcoming 2022 with the WNC Fibers/Handweavers Guild
Location: Second Level of the Folk Art Center, Main Gallery Exhibition
Dates: January 22, 2022 - May 15, 2022
Main Gallery Exhibition, Handweavers Guild of Western North Carolina
Asheville, NC - The Southern Highland Craft Guild will open its first Main Gallery exhibition of the 2022 year on Saturday, January 22. Featuring members of the Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild, the exhibit is filled with a variety of textile disciplines. Processes represented include: spinning, shibori, batik, silkscreen, weaving, natural dyeing, needle felting, knitting, and more.
The Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild was incorporated in 1976 to promote and encourage participation in and appreciation of fine craftsmanship as related to textile arts. Local Cloth, INC (Asheville, NC), Yadkin Valley Fiber Center (Elkin, NC), Heritage Weavers and Fiber Artists (Hendersonville, NC), and Tryon Arts and Crafts (Tryon, NC) are members of the WNC Fibers/Handweavers Guild. Classes are available through their local education centers and online workshops. You can find their class schedule by visiting https://www.wncfhg.org/education
Members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild are also represented in the exhibition: Eileen Hallman, Irene Heckel-Volpe, Joyce Carpenter, Pat Brown, Martha Owen, Joan Berner, Barbara Miller, Mary Nichols, Martha Owen, Marilyn Sharp, and Liz Spear.
The WNC Fiber / Handweavers Guild can be viewed at the Folk Art Center until May 15, 2022. Admission to the Folk Art Center is free. The Folk Art Center is located at Milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway in east Asheville. Headquarters to the Southern Highland Craft Guild, the Center also houses three galleries, a library, a craft shop and a Blue Ridge Parkway information desk and bookstore.
Contact: Millie Davis, [email protected]
DIRECTIONS Andrea Croskery
Barbara Welge
Cathy Walsh
Charlotte Cornell-Simmons
Cheryl Motheral-Lynn
Christina Carver
Connie Lippert
Deborah Levine-Donnerstein
Eileen Hallman
Elyse Meltz
Gail Griffith Gwenn Lasswell
Hazel R. Delcourt
Irene Heckel-Volpe
Jeanne Wilson
Joan Berner
Joyce Carpenter
Judy Saitta
Karen Rouse
Kathryn (Kit) Schmeiser
Linda Schultz
Liz Spear Lucy Daley
Lynda Feldman
Madeline Dalton
Marilyn Sharp
Marjorie Warren
Mary Miller
Mary Nichols
Michaela McIntosh
Mikkel Hansen
Pat Brown Pat Thomson
Priscilla Yeager
Sara-Beth Black
Susan Hadden
Susan R Boykin
Susan Trotter
Susan Zakanycz
Susann Swan
Suzanne Monroe
Ursula Powers
Martha Owen