Wood Day 2009

Demonstrations during Wood Day
Here are a few glimpses of Wood Day 2009 which took place earlier today at the Folk Art Center. Here is Walt Cottingham making shingles for his rustic birdhouses on a shaving horse.

Helen Gibson carves an angel.

Mike Fiantaca of the Carolina Mountain Woodturners instructs a visitor on how to use a lathe to turn wood.

Carve Off Competition Winners pose with their trophies and carvings. The winners are (left to right):
Don Ives, third place
Carolyn Anderson, first place
John Williams, second place
Wil Whitsett, honorable mention
A great crowd enjoyed the festivities of the day. The SHCG would like to thank all the demonstrators who shared their time and talent, and for the visitors who showed their support of the Guild and its educational mission. Don't forget to join us for Heritage Weekend coming up September 19 and 20. It's never too early to sharpen up your whimmy diddle skills in preparation for the 29th Annual Gee Haw Whimmy Diddle Competition!